Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Big Guy!!

In case any of you are wondering this picture is saved under "stud muffin" in our computer... surprisingly, it wasn't me who saved it haha. Today is my husbands 23rd birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURTIS! In honor of this special day let me just tell you a little about this guy.....(Curtis, I may or may not embarrass you)

  • Curtis is probably one of the most patient person i've ever known. I mean come one...he puts up with me. How could he not be patient? 
  • his work ethic is beyond 99.9% of the people his age and more. Let me just give you an example: last semester Curtis took 20 credits. Yes, you read that right. TWENTY. and no it's not like he was just taking basket weaving and bowling. He was taking classes like chemistry with labs and all that jazz. Oh, did I mention he was waking up at 6 for football conditioning AND going to 3 hour practices everyday? 
  • For those of you that don't know Curtis very well you'll kind of realize that he's very soft spoken. I don't think he voices his opinion a lot and he more just keeps to himself. BUT get him in a car driving home on Sunday from our families houses.....he'll sing his little heart out haha it's hilarious. i'd invite you all to our little concerts we throw for ourselves but chances are he wouldn't sing for you. 
  • Whenever we take pictures together he makes an extra effort to keep his eyes open so they wont look closed in the picture haha....pretty cute if you ask me. most of the time if he'd just smile normal the picture would turn out completely fine. It does make for some pretty funny pictures though. for example.....

  • it's like Curtis knows when i've had a stressful day or been stressed about something. Whenever that happens i'll come home to a nice clean house, dishes done, laundry folded etc... ladies, he's actually a really good cleaner! Be jealous. 
  • I had to add this one separately to the one above....Curtis will randomly surprise me with cup cakes either from the sweet tooth fairy or vintage. if any of you know me you know I absolutely LOVE cup cakes (its this weird obsession I have). funny story; the other day I came home from a coaching clinic and the first thing Curtis said to me're missing a tooth. Ummm ok? I know i'm not missing a tooth...believe me I would know.  So as the night went on he kept talking about my missing teeth, I was seriously checking my teeth just to make sure they were all there. Then he would say stuff like " maybe the tooth fairy came" "you should go check under your pillow" Sweet tooth fairy anyone? HA get it? it took me quite some time to figure out he had gotten me cup cakes from the sweet tooth fairy and put it under my pillow. What a clever husband I have!
  • Curtis is REALLY smart.... people, he figured out what i got him for his birthday just from seeing a confirmation email. He didn't even seen the actual email, it was just up when i was checking my emails.  somehow he figured out the EXACT golf bad I had gotten him. there's hundreds of bags on this website! I kid you not he told me the exact bag down to what version it was. Who does that? Why can't he just let me surprise him?? ha come on Curtis. His dad is a father like son. 
  • This guy is such a sweetheart, I've never heard him raise his voice at anyone. He really does treat me so well! The only time he gets annoyed is when i'm annoyed haha....I should probably stop getting annoyed eh?
  • He really does care about me....he literally knows everything about me. He's even considered taking snacks to church because he knows if I don't eat i'll get grumpy haha he always makes sure i've eaten something before we go do anything.

Now, I could go on for days about Curtis but I'll just save the other stuff for another time! To say the least Curtis is perfect for me and I believe i'm truly the luckiest girl in the world to have him all to myself! Happy birthday to the best husband I could ever ask for!!!