Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Moving time?

Recently we've been thinking about moving to a new SAFE apartment. Don't get me wrong, I love our house I wish we could just pick it up and move it somewhere else. There a just a few things that are getting a little old with this house...a few minor things such as we don't have a dishwasher. I never realized how much I love dishwashers! Another problem is the lack of counter space....I NEED MORE SPACE. It's extremely hard to make dinner when you don't have places to put your food. There's other things that bother me but they don't bother me as much as other things that have happened around the house.....

A few weeks ago Curtis and I were watching a movie before we went to bed. Now, we had been staining our table all day and didn't want to get high off of the fumes (weird I know) so we had our kitchen window open. Around 11:30 i'm pretty sure we were both about to fall asleep when all of a sudden we here "Get on the ground!!" let me just say, if that were to happen every morning I need to wake up at 6 i'd have no problem getting out of bed. Instantly we both shot off the couch and me....being the smart person I am....headed right for the window to see what was going on. Probably not the smartest thing to do in the world. Well, I looked outside and literally 2 feet from our window there was a cop arresting some guy. Alright people, I grew up in Farmington, this stuff never happens there. I'm pretty sure the guy was just drunk or something, but still, who wants to see someone get arrested in their backyard? NOT ME.

Alright, next story. I was outside being a guard dog and guarding our bikes. We live in Ogden people, can't leave anything outside. Anyway, out of the blue an old looking car pulled up. There were 2 girls in the car and the driver got out and walked down the street about a block and then turned the corner. The other girl just hung out in the car. I wanted sooooo badly to walk up to the car and be like....Hey, lady....go away, you're creeping me out. Well about 20 minutes later the driver came in the car....and they left. Hmmmm that wasn't sketchy at all. We came to the conclusion that most likely it was a drug deal. Big shocker right? Oh, not to mention i'm pretty sure our neighbors are drug dealers haha...but really.

So to say the least once again we're on the hunt for a new safer apartment/area to live. We both realized after looking yesterday that in order to live in a safe area you have to pay a lot more. Freak, you might as well buy a house if you're paying that much for rent each month. It's kind of sad how much more it is in order to be safe. Of course the places that we loved are twice the rent we pay each month in our house we live in now. I'm thinking it's worth it to pay more though. I don't really enjoy setting up alarms each night and having a gun under the bed "just in case." I do love the apartments down at the junction. This is the definition of safe. You have to have a key to get in the building, a key to the elevator, and a key to your apartment (obviously) I seriously LOVE these apartments. They're new and right by the temple....well at least whats left of the temple. If they had any available i'd definitely consider these! That's another problem, the apartments we want aren't available right now....sadly. So I guess we'll just have to suck it up until something better comes along! Pray for us haha


  1. Hang in there. We went through the same thing when we were first married. (atleast the part about all the good stuff being expensive). Just keep checking the ads. We ended up finding an awesome basement apartment in a great family neighborhood for cheap. It's frustrating, but dont give up, you will find something :)

  2. Oh snap! That does not sound fun. I'm sorry girl! We will definitely be praying for ya to find a low rent in a nicer neighborhood. Jake and I will be looking for the same thing when we get back in august!
