Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ok. Who took summer away?

It's been a minute or two since I've blogged. Shocker. In my defense the past few months have been SUPER busy. Don't get me wrong I love reading other blogs I just don't like writing them.

Alright, this summer has gone by so fast! Mostly because both myself and Curtis have been super busy with work, class, football, soccer (only coaching sadly), certifications, and trying to make time to actually do some fun things.

Both of us ended up taking some classes this summer. We're lucky and can get a couple classes paid for over the summer. Perks of being student athletes.....So I figured I might as well because I love going to school in the summer. LIES! I hate school in the summer. I had to take a class so I could get into a class this fall. On the bright side, I pulled an A- out of a stats class. I know I know I was impressed with myself too. Curtis took 2 classes over the summer and I've got to say i'm glad I didn't have to take his classes. Online nutrition can't be too fun. Luckily it was only a 7 week class. During this class Curtis would go to workouts in the morning for football, then go to work, then he'd get home around 10 and do homework until midnight. Lets just say the couch became my second bed because i'd always fall asleep there while he would do his homework. I was trying to be a good wife and stay up until he was done but that never happened. My bad.

After I finished my class I had about a week off then right after that I had a 2 week certification to get my coaching license. This actually wasn't too bad because there was only 2 actual days we had to be in class and the rest was either watching soccer or playing soccer. The way this course is laid out is no matter what you'll get your license. After a written test and an actual coaching test the "head" coaches will decide if you're ready for your state or national license. If any of you know me you know how competitive I am. Even though no matter what i'd get a license, I was determined to get my national. Turns out in every course, out of 80 people only around 8 will end up with their national and the rest get state. This only made me want my national more. Good thing i'm competitive. I ended up getting my national (feel free to cheer for me after reading this).

This course ended and I had another week break. So, the Cosgrove's decided to take a little vacation before Curtis had to go to football camp for 3 weeks. We headed to Vegas because it was cheap ha. Turns out we don't really like Vegas. Don't get me wrong it was fun being around Curtis before he had to leave, but I don't like the traffic and I think it's WAY to crowded. It was definitely nice to get away for a few days though.

Once we got back Curtis headed to football camp and I started my training for my phlebotomy license. This license just ended on Friday (finally) but it ended up overlapping with school. The first week of school was busy to say the least. Oh, did I mention i'm coaching 3 teams? That just made everything 10 times more busy for me.

While Curtis was in camp they fed them every meal for 3 weeks....want to know what that means? 1. I had to figure out how to feed just one person. 2. I only had to go grocery shopping ONCE this month. and 3....ok there is no 3. Camp sucked. I hated not ever seeing Curtis, at least last year we were both in camp at the same time so we saw each other a little more. For some reason I thought i'd see Curtis more once camp was see, I forgot that once camp is over the season actually starts and I still can't see him that often. I'm an idiot I know haha. Maybe i'll see him in December? Who knows. At least I'll actually get to see most of his games this year! He's lucky I love him because Weber plays BYU in Provo on my BIRTHDAY. Who wants to be in Provo on their birthday? haha....I can't wait to see him play!

Ps. speaking of my birthday. I love/have an obsession with cup cakes. Feel free to give me cup cakes for my birthday. Preferably Sweet Toothfairy or the Cocoa Bean (which so happens to be located in Provo. You better believe i'll be there this Saturday)

Oh, speaking of of my best friends came down a couple weekends ago to visit! We've been friends forever it feels like! It was nice to actually have some time to hang out with her and talk about all of our stories we have...pretty entertaining if you ask me. In high school everyone called us the twins. it's really weird actually, we have a lot of the same clothes but we never actually went shopping together. great minds think alike I guess. I remember in high school we were so competitive with each other that in track we'd intentionally race each other just to get better times. The sad part is....we were literally step for step trying to beat each other. Good times. Anyway, it was nice to have a little girls weekend!

For some reason I didn't take a lot of pictures this summer. Weird I know....This is all i've got.

Just let me throw something out there....we have GREAT friends and family.

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