Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Not a fan.

Let me just start out by saying.....holy crap we are busy people.

Lately it seems like our life revolves around 3 things; school, work, and football. It's extremely rare for us to find time for each other I feel like. Our schedules were seriously the complete opposite of each other, Curtis has class at 7:30 I have class at 8:30. Curtis gets home while i'm still at school, once I get home from school Curtis leave for football practice until 6, then on monday's and wednesday's he has class from 6-9. back when I was working at my old job I would work on Tuesday and Thursday from 7-10 at night. So you can see how we were lucky to see each other for 30 minutes a day (not including sleeping).

Luckily I recently started a new job that allows me to work during the days. I also had the opportunity to coach at a high school by our house. Don't get me wrong I definitely love my new schedule better than my old one....but I am also extremely selfish when it comes to spending time with Curtis. With that being said, it's venting time via blog......

I love the fact that I married an athletic, smart, funny....(etc) guy. I love watching him play football, what I don't love is the fact that football consumes his life. I don't like sitting at home on weekends that they have away games. I don't like that football practice starts at 1:30 and go until 6. I don't like that even when they have home games the coaches STILL hold meetings on Friday nights until 10. I don't like Sunday check ins with the athletic traininers. I don't like that by the time he FINALLY gets home from practice he has to do homework until midnight. I serioulsy can't even count how many times i've fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to finsh all of his homework......ok I lied, I can count that right now.....lets see....football started in September...there are 4 weeks a month....5 school days a week....i'd say I fall asleep about 4 out of the 5 nights he does homework....it's now almost the first week of Novemeber....ok ok you get the point. I fall asleep A LOT.

I know he likes playing. I don't want to tell him to quit because I get lonely haha and honestly I don't want him to quit just because I know what it's like to play all 4 years in college. I really do want him to play his senior season....nothing is better than that, believe me. I just wish football didn't take up so much time. I wish he was home more! I wish we had time to go and just be with each other. This is why I can't wait for football season to be over!

The past couple of weeks we've had the chance to actually spend time together....and believe me, it's been great! During football camp Curtis got a pretty bad concussion, then a couple of weeks ago he got another one. Yes yes I know concussions are NOT good for you, but in a way this was a blessing in disguise. Not for him by any means, but for me! It sucks for him because he can't play until the symptoms go away. He had to sit out their last game against SUU. Honestly he got this concussion right as I was about to go crazy because I felt like I was alone ALL of the time. Anyway, he got the concussion had to  miss the game so he got to be home all weekend long (which was great), THEN this past week they had a bye week....whats this? TWO weekends home??? I swear that's unheard of during the season. Believe me I took full advantage of this. I even went way out to spanish fork with him because he wanted to watch Box Elder's football game....that's saying a lot because it was freezing and the drive was forever away. If you know me at all you know I absolutely hate being cold. On Saturday we decided we wanted to go to the Real game, we had great seats and it wasn't too cold! Now, here's my favorite part of the whole weekend.....two words....CUP....CAKES....it just so happens that there is a Sweet Tooth Fairy down the road from Rio Tinto. Curtis promised me that if I went to the football game with him on Friday he'd get me cup cakes....he could probably convince me to kill someone if he told me cup cakes were involved. ha. (I would never actually kill someone, just in case you couldn't read my sarcasm there) Anyway, after that we went to dinner and just had time to hang out and talk. pretty darn good weekend if you ask me!

Sadly (for Curtis) there are still symptoms of the concussion so we're not sure if Curtis is going to play or not this weekend. I promise I want to watch him play! but I wouldn't mind if we got another weekend together.

Let me just clear this up before im done here.......I do worry about his concussions! I'd like to have a husband that can still remember things when he's older. I don't want anyone thinking i'm not concerned about this haha I just like having him home more than usual.

Love this guy.

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