Friday, April 20, 2012


The Cosgrove's have officially survived another semester at dear Weber State. This definitely wasn't an easy semester for either of us. Curtis took 20 credits this semester. Yes, you read that right TWENTY. It's not like these were easy classes either, any semester that involves chemistry isn't going to be an easy one. The crazy guy is minoring in chemistry, exercise science, and communications. We'll be heading out of state in a couple of years so Curtis can go to chiropractic school. Cross your fingers I can get a good job to support us both!

This semester was a weird one for me, it's weird to adjust from being a full time athlete and student to just being a student. I thought i'd have a lot more time on my hands.....definitely thought wrong! It's a good thing soccer was over for me because I honestly don't know how I would have fit everything in. This semester consisted of working, a crazy math schedule, my internship at Select Health, and my senior cap stone project. There were definitely a few breakdowns this semester. I don't usually get stressed that easily, but for some reason this semester was the breaking point haha. To say the least it was a rare occasion for me to see Curtis for more than 2 hours at a time. Minus sleeping.

On the bright side i'm happy to report that neither me, or Curtis got a single parking ticket! If you knew us this is so unrealistic. I swear both of us would get at least 10 a year. seriously. Luckily we both sucked it up and walked a little further to get to class!

I finished the semester on Wednesday ( made some delicious chocolate covered strawberries to celebrate....thanks to my mom for giving us the stuff!) and Curtis finished later that night. On Thursday we treated ourselves and slept in. That was definitely needed! To celebrate the semester being over the first thing we did'll never guess.....we deep cleaned our house!!! Yup, that was real life. It seriously feels so good to have your house clean (my parents won't believe their eyes if they read this). We also finished up some much needed decorating and hung some more pictures. Only a little blood was shed. The Cosgrove's and glass DON'T mix.

Today we went with my little sister to City Creek. I wanted to see what all the hype was about and of course I dragged Curtis along with me. Poor guy. Luckily I don't really like shopping. I could probably get all my shopping done in a hour if I wanted to. We spent a couple of hours there and got tired. That place is HUGE. While we were walking back to our car I noticed that all of the flowers were blooming at temple square so of course I had to go walk around and see. Seriously if I were you i'd get there ASAP, the temple grounds are so pretty right now!

In case you're wondering....That's definitely not me doing the cart wheel, that would be Lacy.

On Monday we're heading to St. George to get away for a little be. We need it! We're lucky and have family down there that we can stay with. I can't wait to finally get to spend some time with Curtis! It feels like it's been forever since we've had a lot of time to spend together! This is really the only time we can go because Curtis starts football the week after and I have to get back to work. Oh, how could I forget.....We're both taking a couple classes this summer. yay. BUT! 15 more credits and i'm out of college!!!

Ok, I can't go without posting this. My family seriously has the weirdest cats, our poor cat is named Mister Bojangles haha he hates us i'm pretty sure. My mom has spent countless hours training him to do tricks.....really? How many cats do you know that can shake, roll over, and sit? not many. haha which is why i've gotta share.....

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