Monday, April 30, 2012

Good vs Bad

This past week we thought we'd get away from our crazy schedule and head down to St. George. I think we chose the worst week possible to take a vacation! I don't really want to dwell on this so here is what happened.....

Bad Luck

  • Day 1: Curtis loses his football coach
  • Day 2: I miss two job opportunities because I wasn't home
  • Day 3: Curtis' dad ends up in the hospital 
  • Day 4: Transmission in our car....gone. dead. No Vegas for us :(
Good Luck 
  • We survived Angels Landing!
  • Didn't have to pay for a hotel
  • Got to relax for a few hours at the pool and came away with some nicely burnt skin
  • Luckily my parents happened to be in St. George the same week as us so we could ride with them home after we left the poor car in a shop (and yes the car is still vacationing there)
Now that that's out of the way, I can actually talk about the parts we enjoyed from our vacation. It was already decided before we even left that we would go to Zions to hike Angels Landing. I've always wanted to go on this hike, I've heard so many great things about Angels Landing and how beautiful it is once you get to the top. We both were pretty nervous to go on this hike because of the horror stories we've heard and the fact that people have actually died on this hike....that made us feel good. So, we managed to find the courage and headed to Zion pretty early in the morning. This hike was seriously so cool. It wasn't extremely difficult and definitely not as scary as we had imagined. When we made it to the top we couldn't figure out how people have actually fallen off this thing. Either they're super careless or someone pushed them off. There's no other explanation for the deaths!

Once we got back from the hike we decided to hit the pool and relax for awhile. Yes, I said relax. We haven't done that for awhile....I almost forgot that relax was actually a word. After we relaxed for a few hours at the pool we went back and got ready and headed to Fiesta Fun haha this place is great. We had the chance to go mini golfing and go carting. Ask me who won in mini golfing... go ahead ask...ok ok i'll tell you, it was me! I beat Curtis mini golfing. He was pretty embarrassed haha. After that we went to challenge each other to a go cart race. It was determined that whoever starts in front will win. Either we're both really good defensive drivers, or really good at leading a race. The next night we thought we'd go hit a bucket of balls Curtis was getting mad that I was doing better than him, (as usual) but I warned him before that I get super lucky with golf and my first time of the season I always do good. Guess he didn't believe me! haha. We also found some time to play some pickle ball with my cousins.

The next day was probably the worst day of the trip! We were both so excited to go to Vegas. I can't really remember the last time I went to Vegas for fun. I always went for soccer so i've never had the chance to just go see what it's all about. We woke up pretty early so we could get a early start to Vegas, not to mention the car had been making some weird noises so we wanted to get that checked out as well. We ate breakfast and headed off  to the mechanic. On our way the car suddenly started jerking every time Curtis would hit the gas. We got the car to the parking lot of Burger King and just barely missed the mechanic. When we finally got the mechanic over to our car he took a look at it and immediately said it was the transmission. Now, I don't know a lot about cars. I quickly learned that the transmission is NOT good and very expensive to fix. Grrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaatttttttt. Way to top off a great vacation eh? There's no way we could get to Vegas now and we were not too happy about it. Luckily my parents were there and could help us out. We now had the option to stay with the car 2-3 more days or squeeze with my parents and go home with them and leave the car. Luckily we went home with my parents because the car won't even be done until Wednesday! One other lucky thing that happened to us is Curits' mom is going down to St. George for work so she can drive the car home. This will save us a 10 hour trip of driving to and from St. George so thank goodness for her!

Looking back at this vacation it's kind of funny so many things went wrong. I guess we're not the only newly married couple that has had problems on their first vacation! haha although we still wish we could have gone to Vegas....We were really looking forward to the buffets! We did have a good time when we weren't stressing out about everything and Angels Landing was definitely the highlight of the trip. Not to mention getting to spend some time with each other!

Doesn't do this hike justice....

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