Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Not a fan.

Let me just start out by saying.....holy crap we are busy people.

Lately it seems like our life revolves around 3 things; school, work, and football. It's extremely rare for us to find time for each other I feel like. Our schedules were seriously the complete opposite of each other, Curtis has class at 7:30 I have class at 8:30. Curtis gets home while i'm still at school, once I get home from school Curtis leave for football practice until 6, then on monday's and wednesday's he has class from 6-9. back when I was working at my old job I would work on Tuesday and Thursday from 7-10 at night. So you can see how we were lucky to see each other for 30 minutes a day (not including sleeping).

Luckily I recently started a new job that allows me to work during the days. I also had the opportunity to coach at a high school by our house. Don't get me wrong I definitely love my new schedule better than my old one....but I am also extremely selfish when it comes to spending time with Curtis. With that being said, it's venting time via blog......

I love the fact that I married an athletic, smart, funny....(etc) guy. I love watching him play football, what I don't love is the fact that football consumes his life. I don't like sitting at home on weekends that they have away games. I don't like that football practice starts at 1:30 and go until 6. I don't like that even when they have home games the coaches STILL hold meetings on Friday nights until 10. I don't like Sunday check ins with the athletic traininers. I don't like that by the time he FINALLY gets home from practice he has to do homework until midnight. I serioulsy can't even count how many times i've fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to finsh all of his homework......ok I lied, I can count that right now.....lets see....football started in September...there are 4 weeks a month....5 school days a week....i'd say I fall asleep about 4 out of the 5 nights he does homework....it's now almost the first week of Novemeber....ok ok you get the point. I fall asleep A LOT.

I know he likes playing. I don't want to tell him to quit because I get lonely haha and honestly I don't want him to quit just because I know what it's like to play all 4 years in college. I really do want him to play his senior season....nothing is better than that, believe me. I just wish football didn't take up so much time. I wish he was home more! I wish we had time to go and just be with each other. This is why I can't wait for football season to be over!

The past couple of weeks we've had the chance to actually spend time together....and believe me, it's been great! During football camp Curtis got a pretty bad concussion, then a couple of weeks ago he got another one. Yes yes I know concussions are NOT good for you, but in a way this was a blessing in disguise. Not for him by any means, but for me! It sucks for him because he can't play until the symptoms go away. He had to sit out their last game against SUU. Honestly he got this concussion right as I was about to go crazy because I felt like I was alone ALL of the time. Anyway, he got the concussion had to  miss the game so he got to be home all weekend long (which was great), THEN this past week they had a bye week....whats this? TWO weekends home??? I swear that's unheard of during the season. Believe me I took full advantage of this. I even went way out to spanish fork with him because he wanted to watch Box Elder's football game....that's saying a lot because it was freezing and the drive was forever away. If you know me at all you know I absolutely hate being cold. On Saturday we decided we wanted to go to the Real game, we had great seats and it wasn't too cold! Now, here's my favorite part of the whole weekend.....two words....CUP....CAKES....it just so happens that there is a Sweet Tooth Fairy down the road from Rio Tinto. Curtis promised me that if I went to the football game with him on Friday he'd get me cup cakes....he could probably convince me to kill someone if he told me cup cakes were involved. ha. (I would never actually kill someone, just in case you couldn't read my sarcasm there) Anyway, after that we went to dinner and just had time to hang out and talk. pretty darn good weekend if you ask me!

Sadly (for Curtis) there are still symptoms of the concussion so we're not sure if Curtis is going to play or not this weekend. I promise I want to watch him play! but I wouldn't mind if we got another weekend together.

Let me just clear this up before im done here.......I do worry about his concussions! I'd like to have a husband that can still remember things when he's older. I don't want anyone thinking i'm not concerned about this haha I just like having him home more than usual.

Love this guy.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ok. Who took summer away?

It's been a minute or two since I've blogged. Shocker. In my defense the past few months have been SUPER busy. Don't get me wrong I love reading other blogs I just don't like writing them.

Alright, this summer has gone by so fast! Mostly because both myself and Curtis have been super busy with work, class, football, soccer (only coaching sadly), certifications, and trying to make time to actually do some fun things.

Both of us ended up taking some classes this summer. We're lucky and can get a couple classes paid for over the summer. Perks of being student athletes.....So I figured I might as well because I love going to school in the summer. LIES! I hate school in the summer. I had to take a class so I could get into a class this fall. On the bright side, I pulled an A- out of a stats class. I know I know I was impressed with myself too. Curtis took 2 classes over the summer and I've got to say i'm glad I didn't have to take his classes. Online nutrition can't be too fun. Luckily it was only a 7 week class. During this class Curtis would go to workouts in the morning for football, then go to work, then he'd get home around 10 and do homework until midnight. Lets just say the couch became my second bed because i'd always fall asleep there while he would do his homework. I was trying to be a good wife and stay up until he was done but that never happened. My bad.

After I finished my class I had about a week off then right after that I had a 2 week certification to get my coaching license. This actually wasn't too bad because there was only 2 actual days we had to be in class and the rest was either watching soccer or playing soccer. The way this course is laid out is no matter what you'll get your license. After a written test and an actual coaching test the "head" coaches will decide if you're ready for your state or national license. If any of you know me you know how competitive I am. Even though no matter what i'd get a license, I was determined to get my national. Turns out in every course, out of 80 people only around 8 will end up with their national and the rest get state. This only made me want my national more. Good thing i'm competitive. I ended up getting my national (feel free to cheer for me after reading this).

This course ended and I had another week break. So, the Cosgrove's decided to take a little vacation before Curtis had to go to football camp for 3 weeks. We headed to Vegas because it was cheap ha. Turns out we don't really like Vegas. Don't get me wrong it was fun being around Curtis before he had to leave, but I don't like the traffic and I think it's WAY to crowded. It was definitely nice to get away for a few days though.

Once we got back Curtis headed to football camp and I started my training for my phlebotomy license. This license just ended on Friday (finally) but it ended up overlapping with school. The first week of school was busy to say the least. Oh, did I mention i'm coaching 3 teams? That just made everything 10 times more busy for me.

While Curtis was in camp they fed them every meal for 3 weeks....want to know what that means? 1. I had to figure out how to feed just one person. 2. I only had to go grocery shopping ONCE this month. and 3....ok there is no 3. Camp sucked. I hated not ever seeing Curtis, at least last year we were both in camp at the same time so we saw each other a little more. For some reason I thought i'd see Curtis more once camp was over....you see, I forgot that once camp is over the season actually starts and I still can't see him that often. I'm an idiot I know haha. Maybe i'll see him in December? Who knows. At least I'll actually get to see most of his games this year! He's lucky I love him because Weber plays BYU in Provo on my BIRTHDAY. Who wants to be in Provo on their birthday? haha....I can't wait to see him play!

Ps. speaking of my birthday. I love/have an obsession with cup cakes. Feel free to give me cup cakes for my birthday. Preferably Sweet Toothfairy or the Cocoa Bean (which so happens to be located in Provo. You better believe i'll be there this Saturday)

Oh, speaking of Provo....one of my best friends came down a couple weekends ago to visit! We've been friends forever it feels like! It was nice to actually have some time to hang out with her and talk about all of our stories we have...pretty entertaining if you ask me. In high school everyone called us the twins. it's really weird actually, we have a lot of the same clothes but we never actually went shopping together. great minds think alike I guess. I remember in high school we were so competitive with each other that in track we'd intentionally race each other just to get better times. The sad part is....we were literally step for step trying to beat each other. Good times. Anyway, it was nice to have a little girls weekend!

For some reason I didn't take a lot of pictures this summer. Weird I know....This is all i've got.

Just let me throw something out there....we have GREAT friends and family.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Big Guy!!

In case any of you are wondering this picture is saved under "stud muffin" in our computer... surprisingly, it wasn't me who saved it haha. Today is my husbands 23rd birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CURTIS! In honor of this special day let me just tell you a little about this guy.....(Curtis, I may or may not embarrass you)

  • Curtis is probably one of the most patient person i've ever known. I mean come one...he puts up with me. How could he not be patient? 
  • his work ethic is beyond 99.9% of the people his age and more. Let me just give you an example: last semester Curtis took 20 credits. Yes, you read that right. TWENTY. and no it's not like he was just taking basket weaving and bowling. He was taking classes like chemistry with labs and all that jazz. Oh, did I mention he was waking up at 6 for football conditioning AND going to 3 hour practices everyday? 
  • For those of you that don't know Curtis very well you'll kind of realize that he's very soft spoken. I don't think he voices his opinion a lot and he more just keeps to himself. BUT get him in a car driving home on Sunday from our families houses.....he'll sing his little heart out haha it's hilarious. i'd invite you all to our little concerts we throw for ourselves but chances are he wouldn't sing for you. 
  • Whenever we take pictures together he makes an extra effort to keep his eyes open so they wont look closed in the picture haha....pretty cute if you ask me. most of the time if he'd just smile normal the picture would turn out completely fine. It does make for some pretty funny pictures though. for example.....

  • it's like Curtis knows when i've had a stressful day or been stressed about something. Whenever that happens i'll come home to a nice clean house, dishes done, laundry folded etc... ladies, he's actually a really good cleaner! Be jealous. 
  • I had to add this one separately to the one above....Curtis will randomly surprise me with cup cakes either from the sweet tooth fairy or vintage. if any of you know me you know I absolutely LOVE cup cakes (its this weird obsession I have). funny story; the other day I came home from a coaching clinic and the first thing Curtis said to me was....you're missing a tooth. Ummm ok? I know i'm not missing a tooth...believe me I would know.  So as the night went on he kept talking about my missing teeth, I was seriously checking my teeth just to make sure they were all there. Then he would say stuff like " maybe the tooth fairy came" "you should go check under your pillow" Sweet tooth fairy anyone? HA get it? it took me quite some time to figure out he had gotten me cup cakes from the sweet tooth fairy and put it under my pillow. What a clever husband I have!
  • Curtis is REALLY smart.... people, he figured out what i got him for his birthday just from seeing a confirmation email. He didn't even seen the actual email, it was just up when i was checking my emails.  somehow he figured out the EXACT golf bad I had gotten him. there's hundreds of bags on this website! I kid you not he told me the exact bag down to what version it was. Who does that? Why can't he just let me surprise him?? ha come on Curtis. His dad is a detective....like father like son. 
  • This guy is such a sweetheart, I've never heard him raise his voice at anyone. He really does treat me so well! The only time he gets annoyed is when i'm annoyed haha....I should probably stop getting annoyed eh?
  • He really does care about me....he literally knows everything about me. He's even considered taking snacks to church because he knows if I don't eat i'll get grumpy haha he always makes sure i've eaten something before we go do anything.

Now, I could go on for days about Curtis but I'll just save the other stuff for another time! To say the least Curtis is perfect for me and I believe i'm truly the luckiest girl in the world to have him all to myself! Happy birthday to the best husband I could ever ask for!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Moving time?

Recently we've been thinking about moving to a new SAFE apartment. Don't get me wrong, I love our house I wish we could just pick it up and move it somewhere else. There a just a few things that are getting a little old with this house...a few minor things such as we don't have a dishwasher. I never realized how much I love dishwashers! Another problem is the lack of counter space....I NEED MORE SPACE. It's extremely hard to make dinner when you don't have places to put your food. There's other things that bother me but they don't bother me as much as other things that have happened around the house.....

A few weeks ago Curtis and I were watching a movie before we went to bed. Now, we had been staining our table all day and didn't want to get high off of the fumes (weird I know) so we had our kitchen window open. Around 11:30 i'm pretty sure we were both about to fall asleep when all of a sudden we here "Get on the ground!!" let me just say, if that were to happen every morning I need to wake up at 6 i'd have no problem getting out of bed. Instantly we both shot off the couch and me....being the smart person I am....headed right for the window to see what was going on. Probably not the smartest thing to do in the world. Well, I looked outside and literally 2 feet from our window there was a cop arresting some guy. Alright people, I grew up in Farmington, this stuff never happens there. I'm pretty sure the guy was just drunk or something, but still, who wants to see someone get arrested in their backyard? NOT ME.

Alright, next story. I was outside being a guard dog and guarding our bikes. We live in Ogden people, can't leave anything outside. Anyway, out of the blue an old looking car pulled up. There were 2 girls in the car and the driver got out and walked down the street about a block and then turned the corner. The other girl just hung out in the car. I wanted sooooo badly to walk up to the car and be like....Hey, lady....go away, you're creeping me out. Well about 20 minutes later the driver came back....got in the car....and they left. Hmmmm that wasn't sketchy at all. We came to the conclusion that most likely it was a drug deal. Big shocker right? Oh, not to mention i'm pretty sure our neighbors are drug dealers haha...but really.

So to say the least once again we're on the hunt for a new safer apartment/area to live. We both realized after looking yesterday that in order to live in a safe area you have to pay a lot more. Freak, you might as well buy a house if you're paying that much for rent each month. It's kind of sad how much more it is in order to be safe. Of course the places that we loved are twice the rent we pay each month in our house we live in now. I'm thinking it's worth it to pay more though. I don't really enjoy setting up alarms each night and having a gun under the bed "just in case." I do love the apartments down at the junction. This is the definition of safe. You have to have a key to get in the building, a key to the elevator, and a key to your apartment (obviously) I seriously LOVE these apartments. They're new and right by the temple....well at least whats left of the temple. If they had any available i'd definitely consider these! That's another problem, the apartments we want aren't available right now....sadly. So I guess we'll just have to suck it up until something better comes along! Pray for us haha

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


My intent for this blog was to tell everyone about what's going on in mine, and Curtis' life....BUT he's at the gym playing basketball (normally i'd be there too but i'm sick of losing to him haha) and i'm bored and this has been on my mind A LOT lately. 


Soccer has been on my mind. I find this normal... especially considering my soccer career just ended after playing every day basically my whole life. I seriously miss it so bad, every time I walk by our field it makes me sad and I just want to play again. Now, I don't know if I just miss it or I literally don't know what to do with myself because soccer consumed my every day life. If you ask me that's quite a dramatic change. In the past 4 years playing at Weber, I bet I've had a total of 4 months off from soccer. Even during those "off months" I was still lifting or running to stay in shape for either spring or fall season.

I miss the inside jokes with the team
I miss getting ready for games
I miss the feeling of winning an intense game
I miss scoring goals
I miss doing something amazing in a game that no one expects
I miss going to practice every day (never thought i'd say that)
I miss my teammates from all 4 years
I miss traveling with the team
I miss playing BYU...gosh I hate them and how good they are. I especially miss playing at their home field and their fans yelling "you're from the devil number 19!" well played BYU, well played.
I miss "that one drill" (only my teammates would know what i'm talking about)
I miss Tommy and his cooking...minus the spaghetti, not a fan.
I miss watching highlight films put to Tim's all time favorite song....Year of the Cat
I miss playing make me laugh on the bus
I miss sitting in the locker room before games

Overall, I just miss playing. Of course there's always indoor....but with indoor I feel like you have to choose between tearing your ACL on your left knee or tearing your ACL on your right knee. Those people like to cheap shot you big time! I guess what i'm saying is I miss playing in a competitive league. I can always go back to playing semi pro like I have been the past 2 summers....but that costs money annnnnnnnd being married doesn't exactly give me the budget I need to play haha. Every time I start missing soccer so bad I have to think about the not-so-fun parts of it.....

For example:

5 mile intervals
7 mile trail runs
the "Tony Hawk"
Running the stairs at the football stadium
Running the billion stairs at the Dee
Waking up at 5 am in the winter to condition (ok.....lets just say all of the conditioning)
12 hour bus rides
6 am flights
Losing to teams we should have beat
Being so sore I could barely walk
The beep test....holy crap how could I forget that??
3-a-days aka camp

I could probably go on and on about the horrible conditioning and bus rides blah blah blah....but honestly making the list of things I hated was harder than I thought. It's kind of weird that the good times stand out way more than the bad times. ANYWAY I miss soccer way bad....hopefully this goes away soon or you'll probably find me out playing in Sandy for that semi pro team....hope Curtis doesn't mind! haha

I wish I could let you see all the pictures I have from soccer....BUT since I don't want to waste your time here are a few..